Remembering Darryl
Darryl after landing - 2010

We should all be so lucky in life to have met a few select individuals who make such a positive impression that they stay in our minds forever. On August 13th, one such individual died from an off dropzone landing; putting into perspective just how integral he was in the fabric of our little Maritime community.

Darryl Deagle loved pushing the limits in life and above all else loved his wife and 9 month old daughter. His family meant everything to him and he showed off his daughter at every opportunity around the DZ. Deagle's humour was infectious, putting a smile on anyone's face regardless of how bad a day they were having.

While our small group of skydivers loses an amazing person, his family loses a Son, a loving husband and father.

Darryl, we miss you very much.

Share a memory of Deagle

Scholarship fund for Sophia

Those who had the chance to see Darryl with his daughter Sophia, would know without hesitation how much he loved her, would want her to find her place in life and like any father, to succeed in anything she puts her heart to.

Friends of Darryl wanted to do what we could to help his 10 month old daughter for when she is old enough to go to college/University. We wanted her to know that her father was truly loved and admired by all and helping her was a way to thank him for his contributions in our lives.

Please feel free to contribute to Sophia's future through a donation to the fund.

Moneys collected over the upcoming weeks will be put in an investment vehicle like a RESP so that Sophia will have access to it when she starts her studies.


Sophia Fund PosterPoster for Download

Darryl and Sophia
How to Donate

Interac Email Money Transfer

Those who use online banking with most Canadian financial institutions can safely transfer money into the fund by sending an email money transfer to [email protected]

Please set the password as " sophia "

More info on this transfer method can be found from your bank or at

Paypal Donation

With or without a Paypal account, you can use your credit card to make a contribution by sending a payment to [email protected] or by using the button below.

A Paypal account is NOT needed, simply choose the "Don't have a PayPal account?" option when you get to the Paypal screen.

At an RBC branch (Cash only)

Donations can be made at any RBC branch to account number 01374-5000583, the account was opened for the purpose of collecting donations by friends and fellow skydivers, David Hodge and Greg MacBeth, Please quote one or both of the names as the account requires it for deposits. *See notes on account at bottom.

Darryl and Sophia
Certainly one of a kind
Darryl and JD Turner at Targa 2010

Darryl was the kind of person that had many interests, from gadgets fueling his obsession with technology, cameras offering an outlet to capture a moment, a love for fast vehicles with participation in events like TARGA in Newfoundland or his website that he administrated.

At 34 years old, he has experienced and lived more than most could in a 1000 years, no one would doubt his love for life or appetite for new experiences.

Thanks again Deagle for the awesome memories!

Darryl and Greg MacBeth

Darryl with his tongue outClaude Richard, Darryl Deagle, Dave Hodge, Don Goguen and Serge Richard - Landing at the new DZ on Nov 11th



Video from recent weeks

For further information, please contact Dave Hodge at [email protected]

Wings over Moncton from Deagle on Vimeo.


* The savings account opened through RBC for the purposes of collecting money for the fund is a joint deposit only account that requires the signatures of both David Hodge and Greg MacBeth to withdrawal. The account is a cash deposit only and amounts collected will be setup in a investment account bearing Sophia's name.

Greg MacBeth is a local business owner (Precission Auto Clinic) and David Hodge is the president of the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association. can be contacted directly should you have questions regarding their participation in this fund, we are aware that charity frauds exist and want to put your mind at ease that any donation will be used for its intended purpose.

Thank you once again for any contribution and passing the word along.